Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm wearing my Jane Austen hat today... actually, it's more of a bonnet....

I may or may not be watching Pride and Prejudice again for the 1,000th time... I can just never get enough of this movie, or any of the other Austen flicks for that matter! I don't know why. What is it about these movies that makes me want to sit for hours... literally many, many hours, to watch a story I know so much by heart already? I think there's just something about the simplicity of Jane Austen's era that I love to watch and read about. I love the decency, the formality, the chivalry... A time when men were men and women were ladies. Where manners mattered and proper etiquette ruled the day. I like to escape into Jane's world now and then. It makes me believe that I was born in the wrong era. Oh, to talk and act like an Elizabeth Bennett, sassy and yet very well mannered... that would just be sublime! And the men in Jane's books!! Don't even get me started there! Uh oh... too late!! Oh my... I just swoon over the men Jane wrote. I think my love life has been ruined by my complete obsession with all things Austen because no man will ever be able to measure up to a Mr. Darcy, or a Captain Wentworth. The superiority of men like these has been seared into my head and heart. Oh, the chivalry, the kindness, the complete love and devotion they bestowed on their women... it makes my heart go pitter-patter! Do men like this even exist any more? And if so, where can I find one for me?? I blame my perpetual singleness on you Ms. Austen, and on you alone!!

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