Thursday, January 27, 2011


Oh... hey... Does anyone even remember how I used to make jewelry... I think I'd almost forgotten. You see, after the disastrous Christmas fair in Dec., I think I've had a hard time feeling motivated to make anything.  My jewelry making spirit just got so low that there was no desire to make anything for a while.  And I've been wondering if I'd ever even get the desire to craft again... although I do have some more ideas that I'd like to see implemented, so who knows?  Maybe I'll break everything out and craft away soon.  For now, here are some of the things that I made before that fair that shall never be mentioned again...

I really like this one... Maybe I'll just have to keep it for myself!

I'm not so sure about this one... I think I might need to re-work it a little bit before I'm completely happy.  The perfectionist in me is not fully satisfied...sigh.

There's more... but these are all the pictures I've taken so far apparently.  I'll have to break out the camera (awww shucks!) and take some more.  Looking at these pictures, I think I've caught the crafting bug again!  And so I need to get motivated and make some more stuff... and set up a shop on Etsy... and... the list goes on... someone please give me a kick in the pants to get going on all this, ok?  Thanks!

1 comment:

QandE said...

Yea!!! Kick in the pants comin' at ya! You can do it Bethy!

PS... I'm lovin' these pics! Well done you!