Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today I am wearing my "Hostess" hat... and no, it has nothing to do with ding dongs... unless you consider two cute little girls ding dongs... Anyway, my very best friend and her daughter and her niece came to stay with me last night. It's always nice to have my friend with me. And those girls... well, they are the cutest things ever. Right now, they're in their PJs, eating donuts (with sprinkles of course) and watching Enchanted. And did I mention that they have their hair up in cute little buns, but they've been slept on, and so they are now messy buns with hair falling out all over the place, and it is just the cutest thing ever. Seriously. As a single woman with no children, it's always an adventure for me when I stay around kids. You see, I am not accustomed to the whole get up and take care of the kids thing. I'm just not. Sometimes I just don't understand how people can do that day in and day out. I love my sleep. I love to sleep in on weekends. So when I'm awoken at 6:30 on a Sunday morning, I'm not really that "happy" to be awake. But then I watch these two cute girls play and bounce around and think, this is so much better than sleeping in. So maybe that's how parents do this everyday? Could waking up at 6:30 with the kids actually be entertaining and, dare I say it, fun? Because right now, it totally is... they are cracking me up... And I'll even admit it that I loved preparing bowls of cereal for them, getting plates for their donuts, showing them how to work the remote so they could fast forward through the scary parts of Enchanted. Seeing their cute smiles has made it all worth while... but honestly, I kind of need some coffee at this point of time.... Those girls might be cute, but cuteness can not replace the miraculous effects that caffeine has on my body...

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