Thursday, November 11, 2010

A crafty evening at home

Well, today I was feeling a bit inspired, so I made some jewelry. You know, every time I sit down to make something, I always think it's going to be a cinch... and then it's not. This jewelry making can be tough sometimes! But I'm getting the hang of it (sort of... just let me have this one, OK... it helps me sleep at night). So here are two of the pieces I made. (I apologize in advance for the sub par photography... I really need to invest in a good camera... and photo shop program...) I did make a third piece, but it's top secret for now... Enjoy!

This is what I'm calling "Coral Snake" necklace and earring set. Why I named this set after a creature I hate, despise, and have a deathly fear of I'll never know...

And these earrings I call "The Green Danglers"... get it... they're green... and they dangle... too obvious?

Anyway, I need to have more nights like tonight because I'm considering doing something rather big with my craftiness... I won't talk about it now, because I'm not sure I'm going to go forward with it... but it would mean lots more jewelry making for me in the very near future. Can I do it? I don't really know...

1 comment:

QandE said...

Am loving this jewelry! Well done you!!! I espescially love the "green danglers"!!!! Can't wait to see more... in the near future... wink wink nudge nudge... ;)