I have a confession... I have a huge weakness for personality tests and quizzes of all kinds. Seriously, I will take any personality quiz, no matter how weird or needless it is... it's like I'm addicted. I think I just have this need to figure out myself, and others around me. That's probably why I was a counseling major in college... I needed to satisfy that deep, inner need to analyze and figure out people and their personalities. Well, today I ran across a cute one... it's "What your favorite Christmas special says about you". They list several of the classic animated/claymation specials and describe the personalities that correspond. I thought it was fun, but then again, I'm addicted to these things... So, are you just dying to know what mine was... Come on... I know you are... Well, out of all the specials listed, my absolute favorite was "A Charlie Brown Christmas". And here's what that means about me...
"You are a romantic and probably practice hot yoga. You bemoan the loss of spirituality and real magic that Christmas had when you were a kid. You may also be prone to wishful thinking, which your friends cruelly call immaturity behind your back. But your conflictedness about the overcommercialism of Christmas and the lack of attention paid to Jesus's birth does honestly disturb you, though you rarely set foot in a church. But there's a real fun streak hidden in all that angst, and you'd like nothing better than to dance and drink your troubles away at the end of a really confusing day."
Well, I don't know if this is any real true insight into the deeper workings of my psyche, but oh well!
So, go see for yourself which one you might be... It'll be fun!
What your favorite Christmas special says about you

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