Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What the what?!

Confession, I used to torture my cat.  In my defense, I had no clue that I was torturing her.  I just wanted to play with her as I played with my dolls.  Dress her up in doll clothes, push her in the stroller.  But she wasn't a doll... and she hated it.  Absolutely hated every moment of the torture.  Oh, it doesn't look like that in the picture, I know, but that's the way it was. I would chase her and she would hiss at me, and then I would chase her some more, only because I was mad she was running away and hissing at me.  It was a vicious, endless cycle... What can I say, I'm an only child.  We have to find amusement on our own and consequently tend to do the weirdest things. But enough about the cat (and apparently my hidden resentment over being an only child)...

Can we just talk about this picture for a minute... I mean, really!! Those jeans?!  And is my shirt actually tucked in in some nerdly fashion?  And don't even get me started about the hair... Oh, no... here I go... I don't even know where to begin!  The bangs?!  What?!  I think this may have been the short time where my mother (yes, I'm going to blame her for this) let me get my hair permed.  But we were cheap, so it was done from a box by a family friend that "did hair".  But if I recall correctly, the place she actually did my hair was in the back of the office at the church and school we attended.  Oh, the mixture of smells from the ink (for printing bulletins of course) and perm chemicals... excuse me while I go throw up...

Goodness gracious... who ever thought I could carry off a perm?!  Oh wait... that was me...  I'm still blaming my mother though, because after all, I was only like 8 or 9 at the time. She should have known to stop me. And isn't that what mothers are really for?  To blame all of our bad decisions on?  I think I heard that somewhere once...

P.S.  Go enter my giveaway here: Really fun giveaway... if you like to read that is...


Anonymous said...

Beth, this is such a cute picture. I like your blog. :)

As We Sail... said...

It was cute for the era, after all, a girl has to keep up with the times. everyone has their share of faddish photos that we make fun of, or disasters that we blame their mom's for. Take a look at mine.

Anonymous said...

No wonder that cat was so nasty! LOVE the hair! It was so hip in its day. Your mom's done good, I say. ;o)