Thursday, November 18, 2010


First things first, how do you like the new look on this here blog?  Be honest with me... do you love it? Hate it? Does it make you swoon or want to poke your eyes out looking at it?  I'm trusting you to tell me how it really is!  The pressure is most definitely on!! 

Ok, with that out of the way, I just want to write a quick update... I know you all have been waiting with baited breath for this...  I don't have much to update though, sorry.  I was super productive Tues. night finishing 5, count 'em, FIVE sets of earrings!  Good start, right?  I thought so... I now 0nly have like 5,257 more pieces to make... just kidding... I have about 10 or so more pieces to make for this upcoming craft fair.  So, a good chunk was accomplished on Tues.  But... then... nothing since then.  Seriously, I've been drained, exhausted, and ust plain tired.  It's been a long week... And I don't think I'm going to get much done this weekend, because you see, I'm going up to MI to visit with some very, very dear friends.  All thoughts of jewelry making will have flown out the window the second I get on the highway.  And that's OK.  BUT, and this is a big but, hence the all caps, you all need to keep me in check!  I'm serious, don't let me get "tired" and shirk all my jewelry making responsibilities...  Seriously, I have a lot to do in only about a week and a half.  Cuz did I mention that the fair is on Dec. 2nd?  Well, it is... and looking at the calendar, that's soon... OK, I'm going to go spend the rest of my lunch break freaking out... Toodles!

P.S.  As I lay in bed, desperately trying to fall asleep one night, I received a vision from the jewelry making fairies... it was for a necklace that I think will be fantastic... if I can get it together and make it... so stay tuned...

1 comment:

QandE said...

Bethy! Can't wait to see that necklace from the jewelry fairies!!! Also... lovin' the new look of the blog... well done you! Have a fab time in MI!